
'This new version of diatribes's piece "Roshambo" (previoulsy released in duo version on the "A new castle" album) was recorded in Santiago, Chile in december 2014, during diatribes tour in South America. It consist of an ongoing recombination of a limited amount of subtle and soft sound textures, like a serie of slow breathes, taking a new instrumental color with Cristian`s guitar, a more electronic aspect due to d'incise choice of sounds and fieldrecording fragments, along Cyril's delicat touch on acoustic objects.'

roshambo es una composición del dúo suizo diatribes que, para esta grabación, fue adaptada al formato de trio. el registro se efectuó a fines del 2014 en estudios madreselva por Alfonso Pérez y la pieza fue masterizada por d'incise en Ginebra, Suiza. la obra fue publicada por el sello alemán 1000füssler.


“This is surely one hell of a meditative release, which slowly unfolds beauty upon beauty. Excellent release!”

“Just when you thought there was nothing left to be done with the ‘sound-silence-sound’ strain of composition that can be heard almost ubiquitously in certain experimental music circles of late, here comes diatribes and Cristián Alvear with another excellent and fresh-sounding example of the genre. The composite sounds framed by silence are as gorgeous and ear-catching as ever, but each member of the trio adds something new and unexpected to the mix. Through its variations on a theme or permutations of an idea, “roshambo (trio)” offers a critique of time and duration through an absorbing, open-ended musical experiment, at once sculptural and ephemeral.”

“Together they skillfully produce rarefied and inspired atmospheres, producing tracks that are also a bit unsettling, incomplete and delicate. 1000füssler are accustomed to this kind of sonic experiment. Even the CD 3″ format helps to immediately identify an unconventional approach, one imbued with so many suggestions and dilated sequences, breaths and hums, obtained by Alvear carefully manipulating, vibrating, brushing or tapping surfaces.”